The Law And Digital Revolution In Financial Technology (Fintech) Present Significant Opportunities To Accelerate Digital Financing Of The Sdgs

Recca Ayu Hapsari, Okta Ainita, Yulia Hesti


The Sustainable Digital Finance Is The Interaction Between Technology And Sustainability, Assessing Its Potential To Contribute To Environmental Sustainability. The Law And Digital Revolution In Financial Technology (Fintech) Present Significant Opportunities To Accelerate Digital Financing Of The Sdgs. This Study Highlights The Significant Opportunities To Accelerate Digital Financing Of The Sdgs By Digital Revolution In Financial Technology (Fintech), And How To Redesign Fintech Law After The Covid-19 Pandemic Regarding The Implementation Of Sdgs In Indonesia.


Law; Digital Revolution; Financial Technology (Fintech); Digital Financing; The Sustainable Development Goals (Sdgs )

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