The Role Of Advocacy In The Implementation Of Probono For The Poor Community Of Lampung Province On The Perspective Of National Law Development

Suta Ramadan, Intan Nurina Seftiniara


An advocate is a very noble profession so that it has a significant role in law enforcement in Indonesia, occupies a position in legal issues that are professional and professional in order to assist judges in determining the sentence that will be given. The provision of legal aid is one of the government's steps to guarantee constitutional rights for every citizen in obtaining a sense of justice (access to justice) and equality before the law (equality before the law). Legal aid is the most important tool in the Criminal Justice System because there is protection of Human Rights (HAM) for every Indonesian citizen, including the right to obtain legal assistance. The rights obtained in the legal aid provided are the most important rights inherent in every Indonesian citizen. In the criminal law process in particular, the defendants cannot defend themselves in court. So in this case, the government has made a regulation regarding legal aid that is provided free of charge (Probono) and (Prodeo). pro deo is a series of legal action activities from probono, where all costs in each prodeo legal activity are borne directly by the state based on the provisions of the Budget of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia. The advocate profession as law enforcement has the duty to provide legal counseling for legal aid recipients who still do not understand all legal regulations. Starting from cases that are resolved, advocates must devote themselves to the community so that they demand to do work in the field of social and community activities. So that an advocate or legal advisor gives a lot of time, gives energy, and thoughts if you want to be assisted in solving the required case for free (Prodeo).


Legal Aid; Probono; and Prodeo.

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