Strike as The Last Resort In Dispute Settlement Between Workers and Employers

Arinto Nugroho


In order to maintain the continuity of the company's activities, harmonious relation between workers and
employers is a necessity. Unfortunately, the relationship does not always run as expected. In an attempt to
resolve the dispute some cases showed that workers choose to use the Strike. Strike includes a work
stoppage, sit-ins, slow down, and a ban on overtime. Strike is one of workers' rights as regulated in Law
Number 13 Year 2003. The problem that arises is the effects are complicated because it is associated with
the rotation of the economy in which the effects may be felt in the area of municipal level, provincial
and/or Nation wide. Based on that background, the author wants to discuss about the use of Strike in
dispute settlement between workers and employer. The results of discussion shows that Strike is not the
first choice of workers in resolving problems. Before conducting Strike the parties are required to
negotiate to reach an agreement beforehand. If these efforts fail then Strike comes up as an option. Under
these conditions, it can be said that the strike is the last resort in resolving disputes between workers and


Strike; Dispute Settlement; Workers and Employers

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International Conference On Law, Business and Governance (ICon-LBG)
Bandar Lampung University
ISSN: 2339-1650