Maritime Law Policy Analysis Regarding Illegal Fishing Activities in Indonesian Waters

Risti Dwi Ramasari


: Indonesia is a country that has great potential in the marine and fisheries sector. This country, which has around 16,056 islands, has a comparative advantage in the maritime sector that can be utilized by all parties to achieve optimum welfare from the government, private sector, to local communities. In 2019, the value of fisheries Gross Domestic Product reached 347 trillion rupiah and contributed around 2.62%. This indicates that the potential of marine resources in Indonesia is very large to be optimized. However, the fisheries sector still has several structural problems, one of which is illegal fishing activities. Focusing on illegal fishing activities in Indonesia, The Ministry Of Marine And Fisheries noted that from 2016-2019 there were around 163 illegal vessels that were proven to be legally carrying out illegal fishing activities in Indonesian waters, such as; on the natuna border. Therefore, this study seeks to examine the Maritime Law Policy Regarding Illegal Fishing Activities in Indonesian Waters using the literature study method with relevant documentation analysis techniques. The result, has been stated globally such as; The 1982 Law of the Sea Convention which states that the coastal state has the right to manage all forms of fishery resources in its territorial sea up to its exclusive economic zone and the implementation of Law no. 45 of 2009 which is the basis for Law Enforcers and Fisheries Judges in deciding legal issues related to Illegal Fishing, which has negative implications for the country's economy in the midst of a pandemic. So far, the implementation of these regulations has remained effective in Indonesia despite the pandemic. For future developments, it is necessary to encourage a cooperation both regionally and internationally to maintain the stability of marine security and simplify fishery permits so that they do not overlap.


Maritime Law Illegal Fishing; Law Status Quo Illegal Fishing Enforcement

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