Strategy Analysis Of Tourism Development Increasing Regional Original Income (PAD) In Bandar LampungCity (Study at the Bandar Lampung City Tourism Office)

M. Oktavianur


The Strategy of Tourism Development by Local Governments on Regional Original Income (PAD). Tourism development is one of the efforts that can help the community's economy, create jobs, and can increase Regional Original Income (PAD). The purpose of this study was to find out how the strategies and efforts made by the Tourism Office to develop tourism potential in the city of Bandar Lampung in increasing local revenue (PAD) and what factors can affect the increase in local revenue (PAD) in Bandar Lampung. Lampung through tourism levies. However, the tourism sector still has several obstacles so that a tourism development strategy by the local government is needed for local revenue. This study uses descriptive qualitative research methods using informants from the Bandar Lampung City Tourism Office and using SWOT analysis. The results of the study in the form of tourism development strategies at the Bandar Lampung City Tourism Office showed that tourism conditions related to internal and external environmental conditions at the Tourism Office were quite good but there were still some shortcomings, by analyzing the internal and external environment it would be found that there were inhibiting factors and supporters who influence the formulation of strategic issues found from the results of the analysis using the SWOT matrix.


Strategy; Local Revenue (PAD); SWOT Analysis.

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