Micro Business Development Through Securities Crowdfunding Financing Reviewed In Perspective Of Development Law

Lukmanul Hakim, Aprinisa Aprinisa


Indonesia currently has almost 90% of micro business units that have different characters from other businesses, simple and have large numbers both in developed countries and in some developing countries. The majority of micro-enterprises are still engaged in home-scale business activities. In addition, micro-enterprises are still not fully considered in economic development activities, although there have been many facilities that have contributed to the improvement of micro-enterprises themselves, such as training programs or even coaching and funding programs through financing programs amidst conditions of conventional financing difficulties. The current era of digital technology makes the competitiveness of micro-enterprises in several developed and developing countries that are included in the Asean economic community compete to be able to increase the competitiveness capacity of micro-enterprises in each country so that they can contribute to economic development in the country, especially in fostering digital technology which has become an important sector in the context of increasing micro-enterprises to be able to further develop their business. Among them are alternative financing solutions that need to be considered so that micro-enterprises can continue to grow and develop. As a solution in responding to classic problems such as the lack of capital and the difficulty of access for micro business actors to obtain capital from banking institutions. Efforts to develop the capacity of micro businesses that were originally unbankable can increase to become bankable. Where is the role of fintech based on crowdfunding services that are currently popular in the community that can make a contribution to building micro-enterprises to become more independent and encourage economic development in Indonesia.


Business Development; Micro business; Securities Crowdfunding.

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