MSME Center Development Model to Support Economic Sustainability during the Covid-19 Pandemic

Appin Purisky Redaputri


This article raises the issue of developing the UMKM Center which is expected to be one of the drivers of economic growth. Where 99% of the businesses that drive the Indonesian economy are MSMEs. The purpose of this paper is to create a model for developing the MSME Center in order to support economic sustainability during the Covid-19 pandemic. The results of this paper show that the MSME Center development model is made in such a way as to connect all related parties such as MSMEs, Communities, Government, BUMN and universities. Not only connecting these parties, but also clarifying the duties of each party and optimizing the MSME development program. If this model can run well, it is expected that it will improve economic conditions during the Covid-19 pandemic.


Economy; MSMEs; MSME Centre

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