Competitive Advantage; The Affecting Factors and Its Impact on Selling-In Performance (Studies on Patronage Outlets PT. Indosat Semarang)

Ana Kadarningsih


There is fenomenal gap that amount of Indosat’s outlets have increased as41,76% in year 2007 until 2008,
while Net Profit Margin have decreased as 18,66 % in year2008. Also there is research gap which said
that competitive advantage have influence on performance sales, meanwhile other research result sellingin
performance has influence oncompetitive advantage. The purpose of this research is to test the
influences of service qualityoutlet , differentiation, corporate image, quality of relationship with outlet ,
environmentadaptability, on competitive advantage which is targeted to increase selling-in performance.
The samples size of this research is 123 outlets of PT. Indosat. By using the Structural EquationModeling
(SEM) with AMOS software , the results show that the service quality outlet,differentiation, corporate
image, quality of relationship with outlet, environment adaptabilityhave influence on competitive
advantage which is targeted to increase selling-in performance.


Selling-in performance; competitive advantage

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Bandar Lampung University
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