Benefits Of Ratification Of The Madrid Protocol (Protocol Relating To The Madrid Agreement Concerning The International Registration Of Marks) For The Protection Of Intellectual Property Rights In Indonesia

Risti Dwi Ramasari


The role of marks in the era of globalization of markets is very important, especially in maintaining fair
business competition and preventing piracy of marks that will be detrimental to the registered mark, both
domestically and internationally. Therefore, the business requires international trademark registration
procedures in order to obtain legal protection in both countries of origin and in other countries where the
expansion of business is required. Along with the development of international trade, the need to protect
the international brand is also getting stronger. International conventions on the protection of brands are
present in the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property, Nice Agreement (Concerning
the International Classification of Goods and Services for the Purposes of the Registration of Marks),
Madrid Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Mark and Madrid Protocol.
The Madrid Protocol is an international treaty governing international trademark registration, with one
application, one language and one currency. The Madrid Protocol provides effective legal protection of
registered marks and facilitates national brands into global brands able to compete with foreign marks.
The ratification of the Madrid Protocol, expected to be done by the government, is a positive step in
supporting the protection of domestic brands and is extensive and efficient; however, it requires good
human resource readiness, facilities and infrastructure such as technology to support effective
implementation of the Madrid Protocol in the protection of this brand.


Madrid Protocol; marks

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International Conference On Law, Business and Governance (ICon-LBG)
Bandar Lampung University
ISSN: 2339-1650