The CSR of Tobacco Industries: The Concept And Its Implementation

Nanik Trihastuti


Cigarettes are the products made from tobacco which contains nicotine and tar that has harmful effects
when they are consumed. Nicotine is identified as an addictive substance while tar contains toxic and
carcinogenic substance. Furthermore, since the harmful effects of the manufactured products, cigarette
companies should have a responsibility to protect the consumers and their environment, so that they are
freed from the effects. Various companies’ activities which are considered as a company social
responsibility, such as sponsoring sport events and arts, are actually a massive promotion attempt and
even green camouflage which improve the credibility of the companies as the ones which are not
manufacturing harmful products. Based on the fact, the concept of cigarette company social responsibility
needs to be reconsidered by differentiating it with other company social responsibilities which have
different harmful implications from meanings and realizations.


CSR; Tobacco Industry

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International Conference On Law, Business and Governance (ICon-LBG)
Bandar Lampung University
ISSN: 2339-1650