Perda Progressive : an Alternative To Fulfillment of Poor People Rights of Health in Local Autonomy

H.S. Tisnanta, Agus Triono


Autonomy system based on act No. 32 /2004 directed the effort to accelerate the realization of the
people's welfare. Level of welfare can be measured through human development index consist of two
main indicators, that are health and the economy. Autonomy will be encourage government local
accountability and increased sensitivity to provide public goods and services. Accountability and
sensitivity of local government based on Perdawhich is form of local legislation.
However, the fact shown that there has been a gap between perda and social condition materialized in
the form of poverty. Perda can not guarantee the health rights for the poor in term of freedom,
availability, affordability, acceptability and quality. In addition, there is lack on the quantity of perda
and quality of perdas a legal framework to ensure the good services provided by local government.
The fulfillment of the health poor rights is requiring progressive perda encompassing the aspects of
authority, procedure and substance of perda. The moralityof perda progressive can be achieved through
the empowerment for the poor using a rights-based approach. The empowerment shall be conducted
through the formulation of perda progressive aiming right enhancement, rights awareness, rights
enablement, and rights enforcement. The effort is requiring the principles of responsiveness, as the
principle of material formulation and implementation of perda progressive, within the framework of
purposive law


Perda Progressive; Health Rights; The Poor

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International Conference On Law, Business and Governance (ICon-LBG)
Bandar Lampung University
ISSN: 2339-1650