The Urgency of Total Economic Value Aspect in Food Security Regulation In Order to Engage Asia's Trade Area(Indonesia Case Study)

Anugrah Adiastuti


international trade community has comparative advantageous such as diverse food products that can be
used as means in addressing market competition. These, Indonesia, advantageous, currently, have not
accelerated Indonesia’s food security position either from state income or agricultural supporting
products. Moreover, total economic value has also not been implied into national regulations. Those
previous problems shall be completed into a better improvement by including the considerations of total
economic value to many regulations controlling food security. This review is undertaken by having trade
theory, food security regulation, and field data analysis. By covering total economic value aspect,
hopefully, it helps better position for Indonesia in optimizing food security and increasing state (trade
quantity and quality) incomes and quality of life of the society itself.


total economic value; regionalism; food security

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International Conference On Law, Business and Governance (ICon-LBG)
Bandar Lampung University
ISSN: 2339-1650