Trouble Ticketing System Based Standard ISO10002: 2004 To Improve Handling of Complaints Responsibility

Ahmad Cucus, Marzuki Marzuki, Agus Sukoco, Maria Shusanti Febrianti, Huda Budi Pamungkas


Trouble Ticketing System (TTS) is a mechanism that madean organization as a form of awareness of the partner organization, the TTS is a real form of Customer Relationship Management or CRM. TTS is the development of a complaints handling system that had been shaped by the conventional paper media, electronic switch in the form of an Internet-based media website.

ISO10002:2004deals withthe complaintshandlingsystem, has two main objectives, namely tohandlecomplaintsproperlyso thatit givessatisfactionboth internallyand externally, the complaintis handledcanmakeaperformance improvementservices.With theimplementation of theISO10002: 2004onTTSwillincrease the level ofresponsibilityinthe handling ofcomplaints, becausetheISO10002: 2004allmechanismsanddevices inhandlingcomplaintsproperly managed.


TTS; Trouble Ticketing System; ISO 10002 : 2004; Complaints Handling; Customer

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International Conference on Engineering and Technology Development (ICETD)
Bandar Lampung University
ISSN: 2301-5690