The implementation of Secton Method for Solving Systems of Non Linear Equations

Nur Rokhman


Newton method is a famous method for solving non linear  equations numerically. This method is also suitable for solving systems of non linear equations.  However, this method has a limitation because it requires the derivative of the non linear function which constructing the systems. The need of derivation some times lead to a problem. Secton method is a combination of Newton method and Secant method. Secton method omit the need of derivation of function. The performance of Secton method is almost same with Newton method. In this paper, Secton method is used to solve a non linear systems of equation. The experiments showed that  Secton method could work well for solving non linear systems of equations.


component; Newton method; secant method; non linear equation

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International Conference on Engineering and Technology Development (ICETD)
Bandar Lampung University
ISSN: 2301-5690