Experimental Study of Effects of Variation Use Fuel type On Exhaust Emissions With Loads 500,1050,2000 watt generator

Reynaldy Reynaldy


Electricity is the energy needed by the human subject. Planning Director of PT PLN (Persero) Nicke Widyawati say, until 2017 thiscapacity electricinstalled new nationally has 53 585 MW of electrical capacity. Our electrification ratio remained at 81.5%, or about 40 million people untapped power facilities. Research titled "Experimental Study of Effects of Variation Use Fuel Types Of Generators With Loads Small House." The purpose of this study is to be aware of differences in the effect of different fuels on performance and exhaust emissions generator. This study uses research library or library research, field work, and there is no single source of data is the primary source. The cornerstone of the theory used is Faraday, otto cycle and exhaust emissions. Based on data analysis, we concluded that among premium fuel, pertalite, and pertamax, fuel pertamax good fuel is used in the generator. Because there are several factors why fuel pertamax can be said to be better among the three of the fuel, both in the exhaust emissions, as well as in the time of usage


Electricity; exhaust gas emissions; fuel; and generator

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International Conference on Engineering and Technology Development (ICETD)
Bandar Lampung University
ISSN: 2301-5690